our leadership team

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Andrew Bair
Founder / CEO

After years in AAA games, and having just shipped Borderlands 3™ as lead UI programmer, Andrew left to found AUG in January of 2020. Andrew left on good terms, even delivering a GDC 2020 talk a few months after leaving, with Gearbox’s blessing, on the accessibility strike-team he lead during BL3 (link). That accessibility effort was a resounding success, leading to 10/10 and 7.3/10 mobility and deaf reviews from CIPT (link link). It even lead to a glowing article and interview he did with Polygon™ (link).

Ghent Bailey
Chief Design Officer

With over 14 years as a AAA UI designer, having worked on everything from the Devil May Cry™ series to Borderlands 3™, and on every platform from iOS™ and Wii™ to modern Xbox™ & PlayStation™ consoles, Ghent is a UI design legend. He always goes the extra mile to make sure that every menu and every widget is fully integrated into the game’s larger design. He’s no stranger to picking up new skills outside of traditional UI development to deliver a holistic design.